Interview with Bhanu Didi ( Bhanumathi Narasimhan)

1)   What, according to you, are the most difficult challenges facing women today?

Bhanu DidiThere are several challenges that women are faced with but it is “stress” that doesn’t allow them to deal with it effectively. Stress accumulates due to a wrong perception of reality. The degree of difference between the way we perceive things and the way they are in reality is called stress. Stress does not allow you to relax. Relaxation is possible only for a mind in the present moment. But our stresses don’t allow this to happen. Confidence, self-esteem, communication skills, intuition a caring and sharing attitude, all blossom naturally when we are stress-free.

2)   What steps should women take to face them?

Bhanu Didi: This is where a little bit of pranayam and meditation can go a long way in bringing deep rest and relaxation. A few moments of meditation rejuvenates and energises us completely, allowing the mind to relax and come to the present moment which is the field of action and all possibilities. When we are relaxed and happy, we can make others happy. Not only can we face our challenges with confidence and skill, we can take responsibility to bring a smile on every face.

3)   How do you think technology will help women in bettering their lives?

 Bhanu Didi: As creators and users of technology, women have been greatly empowered. Technology has opened up a new field of possibilities for us, adding to our strength, determination, and assertiveness.

4)   What do you think of the view that while technology makes life simpler in many ways, it is also creating a chasm between people? For example, even neighbours communicate via smses instead of just hopping across. Personal, one-on-one communication is getting rarer. Do you agree? If so, how do you think women can achieve balance?

 Bhanu Didi: The Internet can connect you to people thousands of miles away but it should not be at the cost of creating islands within a family. While staying ahead with the help of technology, we need to make sure we stay together. In any family, it is the woman, or mother, who glues the differences between people of diverse mind-sets and keeps them together. The invaluable gift of connectedness that is so natural to a woman must be nurtured.

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5)   What are the gadgets that you use the most? How effective have they been in enhancing your life?

 Bhanu Didi: I use a mobile phone to speak to my family and friends, I use it also as a timer while conducting meditation. I connect to the internet sometimes but what has really enhanced my life is the connection to my inner-net.

6)   Do you think that technology and spirituality go hand in hand? Isn’t spirituality all about simplifying life, paring everything down to the bare essentials? How can spirituality and technology co-exist harmoniously?

 Bhanu Didi: Yes, they are connected. Guruji(Poojya Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji) says: “Spirituality is the Technology of the Consciousness.”

Technology is a system or a method based on laws of nature, which  brings comfort to people. An aeroplane is a technology based on the laws of nature. A telephone is system developed based on laws of nature to bring comfort to people.

Spirituality is also the same thing. It is based on laws of nature to bring inner comfort; absolute comfort.   We are used to charging our phones, laptops, what can we do to recharge ourselves? For the human mind to be effective, it needs to be recharged through meditation. We need to bring a paradigm shift in our understanding of technology through a glimpse of the subtler technologies of mind management.

7)   What are the attributes essential for women to feel confident about themselves?

 Bhanu Didi: Know that the Divine has created each individual as beautiful and perfect.

8)   How can a woman nourish her soul and remain stress-free?

 Bhanu Didi: Meditate. Meditate twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening, at sunset. This helps to refresh the mind and cope with the hectic pace of life.  Mediation helps to strengthen one’s focus and concentration so that whatever one does is more positive and result-oriented.

9)   Which are the most important values that you think a woman should impart to her children?

 Bhanu Didi: To care, share and have a sense of belongingness towards everyone.

10) What has been your toughest challenge in life as a woman? How did you overcome it?

 Bhanu Didi: Challenges come and go. When you have the right guidance, when you have a guru, your life is an ocean of contentment.

11)  How is a day in your life like? What keeps you going and energised?

 Bhanu Didi: I have been teaching meditation all over the world for the past 20 years. I also look after the women and child welfare programmes of the Art of Living.

Wherever you go, people want peace. People want happiness. This search is common and meditation can bring you that peace and help you recognize that you are the source. Wherever I go, when I see the smile on people’s faces and the gratitude in their eyes, I know that the power of meditation has touched and transformed their lives for the better and that is enough for me.

12)Who are the women who have influenced your life the most? In what way?

 Bhanu Didi: My mother has been my role model. Just to remember her love amazes me every time and instils greater hopes of being like her – so strong, independent and caring for all.

I remember my Grandmothers, Shringaramma and Seetalakshmi, for all their nourishment, care and selfless dedication to nurturing a wonderful family with appreciation for our deep-rooted culture and traditions. I have many fond memories are also with my aunt Vasantha Ratna

13) Did you make resolutions for the New Year? What were they? What are your personal goals now?

 Bhanu Didi: My personal goals are connected to my Master’s vision to make life a celebration on this planet. We have 185 free schools providing education to over 20,000 children from remote areas in the country. I would like to bring the gift of education to many more children this year.

14) What kind of dream do you see for the women of the world? How do you think we can achieve it?

 Bhanu Didi: I would like every woman to come to the forefront and take responsibility. I would like them to become the light of leadership with a passion to serve humanity.

I would say: Don’t ask what others can do for you. Instead think what you can do for others. This is called the spiritual shift – believe me, it is simply beautiful, it is unalloyed joy itself!

15)How should one maximise the present moment?

 Bhanu Didi: Smile 🙂

16) Today’s women are obsessed with weight loss programmes and diets. Do you have a spiritual solution to their quest?

 Bhanu Didi: Know that you are more than just the body!

17)  A lot of women hate their bodies and the way they look. Many end up under the knife or with anorexia and bulimia. What advice would you give such women?

Your body is a gift from nature. Wake up and see how beautiful you really are.

18) How do you plan your time?

 Bhanu Didi: Time moves very slowly when you are waiting, sad or bored. Time seems to fly when you are happy or celebrating. Only in meditation, you are with time and events happen within you. Established in that space, you are able to manage many tasks skillfully and cheerfully.

19) How has being Sri Sri’s sister moulded you and helped you to be the person you are?

 Bhanu Didi: Only a lit candle can light another and when the light is of inspiration, it spreads like wildfire. Being the sister and disciple of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, I am inspired and share his vision for creating a stress-free, violence-free society.

20) Every woman wants to be happy. What tips can you give her?

 Bhanu Didi: 1.Women are normally more emotional while men have a greater ego. The woman is emotionally attached to her family, her brother, sisters, parents etc. The husband should never criticize the wife’s family. The wife, on the other hand, should always praise the husband, especially in front of others, even if what he does may not be so intelligent. When the wife takes care of the husband’s ego and the husband takes care of the wife’s emotions, then the relationship can be a more pleasant one.

2.Women love team spirit. They love to gossip – so instead of gossiping about people, gossip on nature. Ask each other, why are there such few leaves on the tree, why are the clouds so small, how is this flower so big? Don’t focus on individuals.

3.Whenever you feel pressurised, don’t talk about it too much. Keep quiet for ten minutes and be with yourself. In busy moment, keep silence. If people at home know you are in silence, then the demands on you will lessen. Otherwise, in a fit of anger, you will speak anything. I would say, this is especially important for a mother/wife/sister – be silent and work. Talk less, smile more. Every night, before sleeping, go through the day for ten minutes. Think what were the good events? What did you learn today? Surrender everything to the divine. Say everything is because of you and go to sleep with a smile. Smile more – it is our nature.

4.Praise at least five people everyday. Praising is a divine quality. Praising enhances us. It uplifts the consciousness of the one who is being praised and also of the one who is praising. When we see a beautiful painting and we praise it, whom does the praise go to? The painter, isn’t it? So when we praise each other, who does the praise go to? Of course, it goes to the divine who created us! Keeping this in mind, let us appreciate the divinity in all aspects of creation and we will find that our mind is also pleasant and uplifted.

5.Help at least two people everyday – either by talking to them and doing something for them. Help people physically, mentally by listening to them or even monetarily. Helping people will uplift you. Choose people whom you don’t know so that you can reach out to more and more people and extend your family. When each woman can extend her sense of belongingness, include a few more members in her family, then we move closer to our ancient ideal of a one world family, “vasudhaiva kutumbakam.”

When you are confident from within, nobody can shake you. That strength can come from spirituality. With a rose, thorns also come. The skill to hold the flower between the thorns is spirituality.

21) How can woman power make the world a better place?

 Bhanu Didi: Indian Mythology has placed tremendous amount of power in women. In fact, power is equivalent to women. The power or the Shakti is the life force behind the whole creation. Each one of you is power. So bring prosperity, happiness and joy to the world in whatever way possible!

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